Therapy for those who want to fill their mental health cup.

Online therapy in Illinois and Wisconsin for adults who are ready to start Living their life.

Life shouldn’t feel as stale as a cold cup of coffee.

Different day, same routine. You find yourself going through the daily motions; disconnected from yourself and others, and rather than feeling like an active participant in your life, you feel as though you’re watching it pass you by. 

If you’ve been thinking there’s “Got to be more than life than simply existing to survive” then it may be time to sit alongside a professional who can help you to breathe, think, process, and create the change you are craving. You’ve been pouring your time, resources, and energy into others, but what about yourself? In trying to sift through the everyday obstacles that life hands to you, it can be difficult to see that your cup is empty. 

That’s where I come in. I’m glad you’ve taken the first step in filling your mental wellness cup. I invite you to sit and have a warm cuppa as I assist you in exploring the many ingredients that make up your life.

  • You constantly feel disconnected from yourself or those you love

  • You have difficulty falling asleep and/ or staying asleep

  • You doubt yourself or feel as though you aren’t "enough.”

  • You’re ready to heal from past experiences but aren’t quite sure how

  • You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired

  • You feel like you’re a bystander in your life, and life is passing you by

  • You dread the thought of having to go into university or work

  • You’re seeking to create balance for yourself in this complex world

Your cup may be empty if:

Hi! My name is Keshia and I’m here to tell you that you deserve a Fulfilling Life!


Ready to Fill Your Mental Cup with Wellness?

  1. Brew

Schedule your free 15-minute phone or tele-consultation. During this time, I’ll answer any questions you may have and you can see if we are a therapeutic match.

2. Steep

In our sessions together, we’ll work together to help you reach your goals for therapy. The pace of therapy will always be set by what’s comfortable for you.

3. Enjoy!

Start to notice an increase in positive relationships with yourself, and those around you.

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.”— bell hooks